Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Why Adopt?

The answer to this question is simple: Steph and I feel strongly that God is calling us to adopt.  Steph summarized it quite well as we were walking out of Church on Mothers’ Day, “When we feel the Holy Spirit moving in our lives, it’s our job to follow.”

Since I’m a planner and I love to be in control, you can imagine how I wrestled with this decision and with God in the hours and days after we felt the Holy Spirit drawing us towards this life changing decision.  We had plans for how and when we wanted to start a family (biologically and in approximately two years).  We had plans for a couple more vacations and a few more home improvement projects before having kids.  I had plans for how I wanted to spend my free time. 

To relinquish my to-do list wasn’t easy.  There are still days when I try to seize control of this process, when Satan tries to remind me that I know what’s best, but these are the days when worry, fear, and doubt creep into my mind.  Only when I surrender all to God and prayerfully seek the direction and movement of the Holy Spirit am I truly at peace. 

Matthew 6:33-34

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Why Ethiopia?

The need in Ethiopia is so great.  One in six Ethiopian children die before their fifth birthday.  The country has 4.3 million orphans, one of the largest orphan populations in the world.  Malnutrition and extreme poverty are commonplace.  All God’s Children International has a fantastic transition home in Ethiopia where special mothers care for a maximum of four children.  Once children are placed in this transition home, their every need is met by one of these special mothers.  Check out AGCI’s website for more information.

Steph and I are so blessed that God has led us to this journey and that we’ll be welcoming home a little Ethiopian bundle of joy in a couple short years!  We ask you to pray that we will continually seek God’s will and follow his direction.  Please pray for our child and his/her biological parents, too.  While we’re extremely excited to bring our child home, can you imagine what the biological parents are going through?

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